Home > CTYI, Web 2.0 > Our field trip to PayPal.

Our field trip to PayPal.

Today in CTYI was a very exciting day. Our first field trip!! We went to PayPal, which, as I’m sure you know is an online payment service, which is extremely popular. We went in the morning and when we got there we each got  name tags (very official!) After that we were given a power point presentation by a PayPal worker, a man called Jonathan, who was in charge of helping companies in selling products or services online with PayPal. He gave a very funny and interesting presentation on what PayPal is and how it works. Then we had a break for lunch. I had several plans for lunch, including a chicken tikka sandwich, a banana and a bottle of water, but my plans were halted due to a complimentary lunch of  Pizzas and soft drinks provided by PayPal. (I’m not complaining though, it was delicious!!) After that we had another presentation, this time about mobile technology, apps and how PayPal fits into all that. Afterwards we had a competition to see who designed the best app that used PayPal. Our group designed an app that located the nearest taxi to your location and gave information about it. I personally thought it was a brilliant idea but unfortunately we didn’t win. A team that made an app that if you play a game you get free ice cream won.(I know, that didn’t make sense to me either!) And to make it even worse the prize was digital cameras for every one on the winning teams. The runners up did however, get a consolation. We received a PayPal goodies bag filled with PayPal pens, sticky notes, pens, pencils, markers and more pens. So as I went home feeling very happy having enjoyed my time in PayPal immensely, aswell as learning allot that day. Thanks PayPal!!!

Categories: CTYI, Web 2.0
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